Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Regions, Tourism Organizations

Why to come to Nitra?

Picturesque scenery of the city stretched under the majestic Zobor. Nitra welcomes its visitors with river Nitra, 7 hills, church steeples and in the background-imposing castle, all of which encompass the city from all sides… Read more

Published: 26. 8. 2022
Autor: Nitrianska organizácia cestovného ruchu, Nitra

Bratislava Region Tourism

The smallest and still so important for the whole country, Bratislava Region is so diverse. It is full of spots with no match in the world. Four unique subregions are part of it, each of them different and important. Zahorie is characterized by its pine tree forests suitable for autumn mushrooming and widely visited historical monuments… Read more

Published: 29. 2. 2016
Autor: Turizmus regiónu Bratislava - krajská organizácia cestovného ruchu, Bratislava

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