Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Agricultural and Food Sector

Do you know what humic acids are?

Since 2004, HUMAC Ltd is focused on the development and production of natural products with a high content of activated humic acids. Our products are specially developed to reduce the amount of toxic heavy metals and other toxins in the environment, as a natural stimulator of soil fertility, improve soil water retention and soil structure… Read more

Published: 17. 6. 2021
Autor: HUMAC s.r.o., Košice

AGRO CS Slovakia, a. s. - largest producer of gardening substrates in Slovakia

In 2015, the company AGRO CS Slovakia, a. s. celebrates its 15th anniversary of its founding. AGRO CS Slovakia, a. s. is a production and trading company, forming part of the multinational joint stock company AGRO CS, which runs business in Central and Eastern European countries and can be proud to hold the title of the “largest producer of gardening substrates in Slovakia”. The company is the result of the four-year efforts of AGROFLORA after the producer AGRO CS found out that its products had reached a 50% share in the Slovak market… Read more

Published: 19. 3. 2015
Autor: AGRO CS SLOVAKIA, a.s., Lučenec

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