- ANAVEK spol. s r.o. Bardejov
Roof foils, everything for the roof - EKOCLIM s.r.o. Poprad Poprad
Construction activities related to roofs, roof superstructures, facade - O.S.V.O. comp, a.s. Prešov
All-Slovak leader in the field of LED public lighting in cities and mu - P.T. – MONDY, s.r.o. - farby, laky, kovania Kežmarok
Comprehensive services in the field of paints and varnishes for wood - STIEBEL ELTRON Slovakia, s.r.o. Poprad
Manufacturer of innovative solutions for water heating, heating, venti - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná Prešov Prešov
Professional education in the field of construction, geodesy, cartogra
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