- alfa natur, s.r.o. Žilina
Natural building oils for wood and wooden buildings - ALLESMONT, s.r.o. Žilina
Cutting, drilling of reinforced concrete and panel - Envis Žilina, s. r. o. Žilina
Poradenstvo a realizácia v oblasti inžinierskych a pozemných stavieb - Giacomini Slovakia s.r.o. Žilina
Importér komponentov pre vykurovanie, kotolne a rozvody vody - Klub ZPS vo vibroakustike, s.r.o. Žilina
Accredited testing laboratory for measurements of noise, vibration and - KOBIT - SK, s. r. o. Dolný Kubín
Production and sale of equipment for summer and winter maintenance of - VÁHOSTAV-SK-PREFA, s.r.o. Horný Hričov
Production and erection of prefabricated structures
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