
The Town of Veľký Meder


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Cities, townsNon-district citiesOfficesThermal bath

Basic information


The Town of Veľký Meder

Self-government, municipal office

Komárňanská 9/207
932 01 Veľký Meder
Phone: +421 31 5552 201

ID: 00305332
VAT / Tax ID: 2021002082
Customer: Mesto Veľký Meder

Contact person

PaedDr. Marian Soóky - mayor

Veľký Meder - sunny, popular and exceptional

It is currently one of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovakia. And deservedly. What does Veľký Meder offer? Romantic walks in the vast forest, visits to the famous swimming pool, the historic Local heritage house, top services and a real holiday atmosphere.

Sunny, popular and exceptional. This is the present-day tourist centre of Great Rye Island. More and more domestic and foreign tourists choose it as their holiday destination.

The main attraction of the town is the swimming pool and aquapark THERMAL CORVINUS with healing thermal water and many attractions that will delight big and small visitors. Up to thirteen different pools promise pleasant relaxation, swimming and active romping around in the healing thermal waters. In the summer months, the fun toboggan park, football and volleyball courts, topical castles for the youngest and a children´s corner come the life. Experts and top wellness services, acupressure massages, sitting in a salt mine or a relaxing sea bath are beneficial for the mind and body. Everyone will easily fall in love with the thermal swimming pool in the embrace of forest greenery.

The local forest is one of the unique features of Veľký Meder. It is located directly in the town and makes up a third of its entire territory. The captivating gravel pit near the town also calls for long wals.

For fans of history awaits here. They find it in the historical Local heritage house, which reflects the way of life of the peasant from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It was declared a national cultural monument of the Slovak Republic in 2021. The local symbol – the more than 500-year old oak of King Matthias Corvinus is an obligatory tourist stop. There is an interesting legend about the huge tree. The well-known monarch allegedly tied his horse to the trunk on the occasion of granting town privileges. The Roman Catholic Church of St. Nicholas from 1900 and the chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows from 1910 are definitely worth a visit.

While wandering around the town, one can enjoy the numerous wooden statues, monuments and a memorial of the Hungarian composer Béla Bartók.

Veľký Meder is advancing by leaps and bounds. Agriculture, industry and tourism work successfully in mutual harmony. The charm of the town lies in the ideal combination of honest rural tourism with quality recreational services.

The town has also achieved admirable results in the field of energy and environment. As one of four towns in Slovakia, it supplies heat to almost all prefabricated households using geothermal energy. Directly on the local housing estate, about ten litres of of groundwater with a temperature of more than 90 degrees spring every second from a 2,5-kilometre well. Thanks to the geothermal well, residents have some of the lowest heat prices in Slovakia. There is no need to travel to distant countries for beautiful holiday experiences. Veľký Meder, a modern town with attractions, treasures and visions, is the best proof.

Town of Veľký Meder
Municipality of town Veľký Meder

Komárňanská 207/9
932 01 Veľký Meder
Tel.: +421/31/ 555 22 01
Fax: 00421/31/555 24 25

THERMAL CORVINUS and Tourist Information Centre
Promenádna 3221/20
932 01 Veľký Meder
Tel.: +421/31/ 555 21 04

Published: 26. 8. 2022


Place on the map



Presentation in the Yearbook

Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2022
Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2022
Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2015
Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2015
Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2014
Presentation of the publication Slovakia 2014

Company Details The Town of Veľký Meder verified: 11. 7. 2022
Internet Complete Entry. Published 9. 4. 2015

Yearbook Slovakia 2022

Number of visits. Last year: 122, This year: 75, This month: 6, Today: 1



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